Tuesday, November 12, 2013

My Initial Thoughts On: The Giver

This book has really spoken to me, in all my years of school every English teacher hands us a book and tells us to read it, and every year I do the same thing: I don't read it. However, this semester is different, the book The Giver by Lois Lowry left me wanting more! Suspense, surprises and emotions emotions emotions!! It was such an amazing book, it gave me so much emotion, and when reading books, I usually don't feel anything! There are good books and there are great books out there, and this is definitely a great book.

From The Beginning

The artist continues to paint the sky
With leaves creating his canvas
And on the lawn he lays on his chair and spins
Creating art that is not created by a paint brush
But with movement like water

The leaves become feathers
Nostalgia is nearing the heart
Without further a do
He wakes up from his dream
But he forgets