Tuesday, September 24, 2013

What 6 Words?

Please, don't, no more pencil tapping...
-Aikapath Thongrasmy, 18, California

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What's Wrong with Me?

What’s Wrong with Me?

Spoilers! Duh!

What’s wrong with anybody these days? We’re all lazy, if you think about the human race we’re all getting lazier and lazier by the decade! But enough about that, no need to start off the day by calling all of us lazy, we’ll save that for another time. Now it’s time for the flaws that most us young adults have.
 I’m still, what others call, a baby. I’m under 20, I live in my parent’s house, I have no car, no job and I barely maintain a life. As a child I was one of the meanest kids in my pre-school, no big deal. I would set ants and bugs on fire, make wasps nests explode, skin snakes alive, I would say that I have a special place in hell for me, but now… I’m still the kid that would love to do all of that stuff, but growing up has its consequences, the excuse, “Well he’s just a kid, let him learn!” has expired and none of that will save you.
To Be Continued...